Taking care of our neighbors makes for a stronger community. We are dedicated to improving the lives of those in our community and beyond through our time, talent and treasure. We strive to make the world a better place to live and thrive, carrying out God’s charge for us to love one another.
In 1987, the pastor of our church and member Joy Vilter launched the Hartland Area Food Pantry. To this day, Joy tirelessly serves as an unpaid executive director. Through the years, many in our congregation have volunteered countless hours at the pantry. Our passion as a church for assuring all have adequate nourishing meals continues as we gather food donations from our congregation and area businesses, and volunteer at the Food Pantry at 555 S. Industrial Drive in Hartland. If you would like to volunteer, please contact them at 262-367-6373.
The Hope Center in Waukesha is another of our long-time mission outreach programs. Several times a year, we look forward to bringing baked goods and milk, and serving dinner to those in our midst who need a hot meal and socialization. Our evening in their community is always uplifting. In November each year, our church supports the center by participating in their annual fundraising dinner. Our congregation creates baskets filled with appealing items for their silent auction. https://hopecenterwi.org/
Members of the church support seniors and those with disabilities with rides to medical appointments, grocery shopping and personal visits, prolonging their independence. Call 262-695-2670 to engage.
The church is located along the parade route in Hartland. Every summer during the Hometown Parade the last weekend in June, we host a food and beverage stand as outreach to the greater community. In 2017, we hosted a community wide celebration of our 175th anniversary as the first church in Hartland. Join in the fun as we engage with the community!
Our safe house youth group provides a safe and welcoming place for LGBTQ+ teens and their allies to gather for fellowship. This group meets twice per month for games, food and more. During the week “drop in” times are offered for students to have a quiet space to work on their homework. Interested? Contact Pastor Jim.
We welcome members of our community to gather over a meal. Quarterly potlucks are planned and offer a time for families of all ages and backgrounds to come together for food and activities.
Join Pastor Jim for lunch, drinks and conversation about whatever is on your mind or heart every Tuesday 11 AM - 1 PM at the Phoenix in Hartland. Anyone and everyone is welcome to come and join in the conversation about your week, your stories, your ideas for a strong community.
Twice annually from 2002 to 2014, a team of six members of our church joined other UCC church members throughout Wisconsin in traveling to Honduras to build cement block houses for deserving families. They not only built houses, they also built lifelong friendships with each other and with Hondurans. Teenagers and young adults said it changed their lives in profound ways. Adults agreed, because so many returned year after year to help. Those bonds of friendship remain strong today. Safety concerns have the program on pause.
Hartland Chamber of Commerce
American Red Cross Blood Drives
Holiday Gifts for ERAs Seniors
PFLAG Oconomowoc Chapter
School Backpack Program with United Way
Christmas Cookie Sale
Hartland Historical Marker Program
Local Refugee Families Support
Gathering Donations for UCC Mission Programs:
Strengthen the Church
One Great Hour of Sharing
Neighbors in Need
The Christmas Fund
Disaster Relief
Our Church’s Wider Mission
Being in the heart of Hartland and Lake Country, and with the community in our hearts, we have opened our doors to various community groups who utilize our conveniently located facility. Our many meeting spaces and classrooms and ample parking lot make this a convenient location for all. If you have a group interested in considering our space, please reach out through our contact page. We currently host the groups listed below. See our calendar on the home page for program timing.
For several years, we have been pleased to host a Learning in Retirement program offering a wide range of popular courses throughout the year in our lower classroom. These classes feature a convenient location, stimulating learning and discussion, and enjoyable socializing for seniors in the area. Refreshments are available. See Classes for Seniors under the MORE tab on this website for the current offerings and to sign up.
With the Lake Country Playhouse directly across the street from the church, an area of our lower level is the home of the LCP Performing Arts Academy, where area youth ages 3-18 develop their talents. Classes are offered in acting/improv, music/voice, dance/movement, and technical design. All Academy classes, workshops and auditions take place in the rehearsal studio in the lower level of the church. For more information, contact education@lakecountryplayhousewi.org
Looking to get involved and help others? We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision of a safe and peaceful world a reality. Contact our Mission Committee today at maryspfeiffer@gmail.com
Whether you help through donations of food and goods, volunteering your time, monetary donations, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, THANK YOU. And enjoy a peaceful moment in our lovely gardens if you happen to stroll by the church.
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